Thursday, November 4, 2010

11-4-10 Koko Head and Hanauma Bay

My legs feel like lead. Today Raquel and I hiked up Koko head. The second furthest east mountain on Oahu. Behind Raquel and I is the furthest east mountain. Over Raquel's left shoulder is Hanauma Bay - a picturesque bay with some of the most diverse marine life in the world. Our plan was to hike Koko head and then go snorkeling. We were too exhausted after the hike to do anything other than sit on the beach at Hanauma Bay.

This is the mountain itself. If you can see that little dusty line going up from the light towards the top of the mountain. That was the path we followed.

This is the path itself. It is an old rail track that is no longer in use. It is also hell on earth to walk up. There are 1,048 wooden planks and you really feel each one of them. At its summit, Koko Head is 1,208 feet high. So you go from sea level to that height in 1,048 steps. This is one of those things where it is a whole hell of a lot harder than it looks. I think the following terrible video really sums it up

It was painful. Of course after the hike up and back down we got to relax under palm trees on the beach at Hanauma Bay. Not so bad.

Yes those are my feet. The final shot is one of Koko head from Hanauma Bay.

You can see it past the palm trees.

As a reminder to everyone, you can always click the pictures for a higher resolution look. Also click the name of the blog to go back to old entries.

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